Destruction of the Kakhovka Dam
Tracking Global Events | June 16, 2023
On June 6, 2023, the Kakhovka Dam in southern Ukraine collapsed, causing a major flood, destroying villages, farmland, and infrastructure across the region. There is concern over the death toll, which is still unknown, and the environmental damage caused by polluted water flowing into Ukraine’s Dnieper River. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has emphasized the challenges of understanding the magnitude of the flood in Russian-occupied regions of Kherson, urging a rapid global response to support those affected. The cause of the collapse is still under investigation, but it is believed to have been a deliberate attack by Russian forces. Premise fielded a survey to better understand sentiment around the dam’s collapse and the impact of the flood.
- 89% of Ukrainian Contributors believe Russian forces are responsible for the destruction of the Kakhovka dam.
- Among the 14% of Contributors personally affected by the flood, 31% say their home or other property was damaged, 17% know someone who lost their life, and 17% were scared for their safety.
- In addition to the tragic loss of life and damage to personal property, an overwhelming majority of Contributors (80%) are concerned about damage to infrastructure in their area: 37% are most concerned with damage to hydroelectric power plants, 34% are most concerned with damage to electricity and telecommunications, and 22% are most concerned with damage to transportation networks.
- President Zelensky has criticized the lack of assistance from international organizations, and respondents agreed, with 64% of Contributors saying they were completely unhappy or somewhat unhappy how international organizations have responded.
- The top three needs of communities are clean water/purification supplies, home and shelter repairs, and food supplies.

Premise surveyed the opinions of 686 respondents across Ukraine, including occupied areas, between June 9 and June 14. Our demographic panel had a high level of gender parity, with 51% male and 47% female respondents. This survey utilized convenience sampling, non-probability sampling that is hyper-efficient in tracking dynamic events.
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