Remote Monitoring

Adapt Your Activities Based on Local Insight

Use Premise Remote Monitoring to monitor the context, detect aid diversion, and improve strategic communications. Real-time data from real people.

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Discover the Key Features of the Remote Monitoring Solution:

Track the context

Know when to create new activities and adapt existing ones by tracking the political and development context.

Detect aid diversion

Monitor local markets for the availability of food, nutrition, and health commodities that have been diverted from development donors or resold by beneficiaries.

Respond with data

Answer taskers and requests for information from leadership with real-time data.

Improve strategic communications

Manage your brand and improve the performance of development outreach and communications activities.

Track essential medicine availability 

Audit availability of essential medicines in government-run healthcare facilities.

What Makes Premise Different?

Data collection with Premise is digital from start to finish, with everything from survey conceptualization to the data visualization of results occurring in one platform.

Same-Day Data

We provide data to our customers in real-time, in dynamic dashboards instead of static reports.

High Efficiency

Using our solution eliminates the logistical challenges and high overhead of traditional data collection by leveraging gig work and cloud computing.

Quality at Collection

Our blend of machine learning and human intelligence for quality control and fraud detection means bad data is rejected at the source, not cleaned later.

Actionable Insights

No more reviewing lengthy reports with old data. Our software instantaneously highlights the key takeaways.

Trust Through Anonymity

Ask the pressing, sensitive questions and get candid answers. Our fully digital surveys are anonymized so that you can get honest responses.

Access to Non-Permissive Environments

Our global network of survey respondents and enumerators covers the majority of countries with protracted conflicts and humanitarian crises.

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