Latin America 2022 in Review: Geopolitics in Pictures
Tracking Global Events
The year 2022 proved to be eventful in Latin America. Colombia’s and Brazil’s governments took a turn to the left; democracy continues to backslide in countries like Ecuador, Mexico, and El Salvador; the economic fallout from the war in Ukraine resulted in growing inflationary pressure throughout the region; and climate change remains a looming threat. This year, Premise anticipated an upset in Colombia’s presidential election, predicted voter suppression on Brazil’s election day, and tracked the implications of renewed oil talks in Venezuela. Furthermore, we have dedicated a new section of our website to rapid-data collection projects in Latin American and beyond
Latin American Geopolitics in Pictures
Throughout the year, Contributors have submitted pictures through the Premise app, monitoring a variety of geopolitical events throughout the region. Below are some impactful Contributor submissions of 2022.

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