Premise offers multiple methods for data collection, with opt-in panel surveys being the most widely used. We have access to over 5.5 million data Contributors in 144 countries and the ability to translate into 40 different languages. This gives us a global reach that is unmatched by our competitors, as smartphone usage in low- and middle-income countries is exploding. App-based opt-in panel surveys offer advantages in terms of perceived anonymity and reduced bias, and are relatively low-cost and rapid to deploy and analyze.
Enumerator interviews are offered as an alternative method, with a focus on agile enumeration using locally-sourced Contributors. These Contributors receive two-step training and are then given access to the interview survey tasks. GPS tracking allows for identification of the sample’s origin.
Mix mode research combines opt-in panel and enumerator interviews to provide the best representativeness possible. Validation methods include voice recognition and photo validation.
For more detailed information on the types of surveys Premise offers and methodology for each, please refer to our full guides.
Partner Example: DataFi and COVID-19 Vaccines
USAID’s DataFi program first began using Premise in 2022 to understand and estimate hesitancy towards COVID-19 vaccines in order to inform risk communications to the larger population. DataFi collected over 4,000 surveys in Cote d’Ivoire with the aim of understanding the usual drivers of vaccine hesitancy, sources of information for public health and COVID-19, and whether people who had received the first vaccine were interested in getting the second dose. DataFi then used Premise to run surveys in Ghana, Tanzania, DRC, and South Africa.
Survey results found that a large portion of the population had not been exposed to significant misinformation about the vaccine and were willing to receive either the first or second dose. DataFi was able to use Premise to quickly and reliably collect data, which was especially important for a rapidly evolving problem such as COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy.
Local Voices at the Center of Your Data
At Premise, we are proud to offer an innovative platform that allows us to reach people from all over the world, helping to ensure that no one is left behind in the quest for a better future.
Multiple methods for data collection—opt-in panel, enumerator interviews, and mixed-mode surveys—offer our partners different advantages in terms of representativeness, cost-effectiveness, and speed. Ultimately, Premise’s unique combination of technology and community guarantees the insights you’re basing your critical decisions on will arrive quickly, efficiently, and reliably.
To learn more about Premise, check out our four-minute tech demo or get in touch with us today.