Data for Every Decision™

Tracking Global Events

Premise deploys ad hoc rapid response surveys on breaking events around the world. This includes sentiment data collection in the lead-up or aftermath of a wide range of events, from natural disasters and elections to civil unrest and conflict. Below are examples of recent events.


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Popularity of the U.S. Wanes as Haitians Welcome Russian Intervention

Popularity of the U.S. Wanes as Haitians Welcome Russian Intervention

Misinformation Surfacing Ahead of Tunisian Elections

Misinformation Surfacing Ahead of Tunisian Elections

Locating Roadblocks Amid Crisis in Haiti

Locating Roadblocks Amid Crisis in Haiti

Documenting Nigeria’s Flood Disaster

Documenting Nigeria’s Flood Disaster

Lula & Bolsonaro Deadlocked; Contrast in Issue Salience

Lula & Bolsonaro Deadlocked; Contrast in Issue Salience

Indonesia Football Stampede

Indonesia Football Stampede

Burkina Faso’s Latest Coup

Burkina Faso’s Latest Coup

Whatsapp & Telegram Further Election Disinformation in Brazil

Whatsapp & Telegram Further Election Disinformation in Brazil

Haiti: Fuel Crisis and Protests

Haiti: Fuel Crisis and Protests

Majority of Colombians Oppose Fracking

Majority of Colombians Oppose Fracking